Product Information
'Filmscore' for the Korg M3 features dynamic, soundscapes of many types... New layers build and enhance your film + song compositions with some really cool sounds. Dense, immense, fat background sounds to add texture + give your sounds new direction.
We filled our Filmscore bank with some pretty cool sounds. Dense, immense, fat background sounds to add texture + give your sounds new direction, new ideas for your compositional landscape. Featuring dynamic, soundscapes of many types... New layers build and enhance your film + song compositions with some really cool sounds. Using the Karma settings to produce maximum playability.
Feed your synth the BEST sounds available in the world!
Features: 128 All-New Patches + 16 Performances
Please note:
You MUST install the factory internal patches into BANK A and BANK B to use these sounds. They all use the factory drum sets, which are great, which are mostly in BANKS a + b.
Pro-Rec has been the #1 supplier of synth sounds in the world for over 16 years. Buy these sounds with total confidence!
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