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Perpetuo: Live Flute Phrases Sample Pack

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Perpetuo: Live Flute Phrases

'Perpetuo: Live Flute Phrases' is presented to you by Zero-G and Xfonic. Following on from their extremely popular 'Animato', 'Spiritoso' and 'Luminoso' titles, the addition of 'Perpetuo' forms a quartet of titles dedicated to introducing more realism to sampled instruments.

Our price $77.84 USD

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  • 4.90GB (Unzipped)
  • 7 min 13 sec @ 85Mbps
  • 6048 files / Royalty-Free

Product Information

'Perpetuo: Live Flute Phrases' is presented to you by Zero-G and Xfonic. Following on from their extremely popular 'Animato', 'Spiritoso' and 'Luminoso' titles, the addition of 'Perpetuo' forms a quartet of titles dedicated to introducing more realism to sampled instruments.

Performed by a world-class flute and piccolo player from the Liverpool Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and recorded in Liverpool's famous Parr Street studios, 'Perpetuo: Live Flute Phrases' is an 8 GB collection of thousands of live recorded looped phrases compressed down to 4.6 GB using Kontakt’s lossless compression technology.
Despite recording only one player, the instrument cleverly layers up to three different performances in real time for the effective sound of a flute trio, or you can dial it down to the sound of a duo or solo flute.
And, despite the sixty-two Kontakt instruments being made from pre-recorded phrases, 'Perpetuo' remains highly controllable and flexible. This has been achieved by recording the same patterns across a wide pitch and dynamic range with many scale variations, by choosing patterns that blend in particularly well to a wide variety of musical styles, and then by allowing you to automatically sync to the tempo of your projects with a wide variety of rhythm and scale types all controlled with key switches. 
Dynamic levels pp to ff can be smoothly crossfaded by mod wheel, the ensemble size can be zoomed from solo to three players, and two mic positions (close and room) can be chosen or blended.
'Perpetuo' gives you the advantages of fluidity and realism of recorded patterns and phrases and yet also many of the advantages of the flexibility of a standard orchestral library.
Although it sounds great alone, 'Perpetuo' works particularly well when blended with other premium orchestral sample libraries as a way of introducing a new layer of realism into the sound.
"All in all, this is a very flexible pre-recorded phrase and pattern library that works great on its own and, importantly, blends well with other orchestral libraries... An excellent tool for creating rhythmic patterns both for upfront minimalist flute ensembles and for subtle background work in cinematic-style productions." - Music Tech magazine, UK.
"Perpetuo provides a seamless continuation of the strengths of the first three parts of the series [Animato, Spiritoso, and Luminoso]. Also, this library provides the flow and realism of live-rehearsed phrases, paired with enormous flexibility. Just the simple but effective flute rhythms offer great musical value in use, and can make sample-based orchestral arrangements impressive. In terms of sound, the recordings harmonise perfectly with the other libraries in the series." - BEAT magazine, Germany.
Library Features:
• Arpeggios and Runs (selectable from key switches): Major, melodic minor, harmonic minor, sus2, sus4, diminished, augmented, minor 6th, minor 7th, 7th, major 7th, fifths, eastern, chromatic, whole note and other scales.
• Rhythm Types (selectable from key switches): 8ths, 16ths, 8th triplets, 16th triplets, quarter note triplets
• Ensemble Size: Switchable between Solo, Duo and Trio
• Mic Positions: Close and Room (with separate volume and pan controls)
• Effects suite: Convolution and algorithmic reverbs, delay, modulation effects, distortion, compression
• Patch Types: Main (natural sounding flutes & piccolos with only major & minor patterns loaded by default to save memory), Hi-Memory (all scale types loaded), Mod Wheel Filter versions (versions of the Live patches, but with the Mod Wheel controlling the filter for a gently synthesized effect) and Mutated (processed, sound designed patches)
• Additional Options: Load and unload scale types to save memory. Play at double or half project tempo. Spread the players from widely-panned to a close central group
Why it was Created:
Library producer and trailer music composer, Dan Graham, started out needing a tool that would add realism to his sampled scores on projects that didn’t have a budget for live orchestra. In particular, fast runs, arpeggios and simple rhythms remain difficult to get totally convincing even with the best and most expensive collections, and so he set out to create something that could sit well in the mix, based on live phrases for realism, but flexible enough to blend in with any track.  
2011's hit library 'Spiritoso: Live Cello Phrases' was the first stage of this plan, followed by 'Luminoso: Live Violin Phrases' in 2012. Now, after a year in development, 'Perpetuo' extends the principle to flutes and piccolos.
Benefits of Live Phrases:
Because the flautist played the actual patterns you hear, they sound real. They are built from 3-bar loops so that no two notes or consecutive bars sound exactly the same - there is natural variation. 
When you hear slight legato connections between notes it's because that's what were played, not a clever reconstruction of a legato interval using advanced scripting. And with fast rhythms, you are not hearing the usual round-robin repetition articulations; you are hearing 3 bars of completely different notes being played naturally in slightly different ways, flowing smoothly just as they were performed.
This collection is built around the principle of flexibility. The tempo will fit your project. The same patterns were recorded at 3 dynamic levels, pp (pianissimo - soft) mf (mezzo forte - medium loud) and ff (fortissimo - loud) and by controlling this with your mod wheel you can make the patterns constantly undulate, expressively following the crescendos and diminuendos of your compositions. 
You can also use this mod wheel control to accent particular notes and therefore create syncopations and rhythmical emphasis tailored exactly to the music. As a case in point, with the 'Rhythms' patch you can automate the different rhythm key-switches (e.g. 8ths, 16ths, 8th triplets) in fine detail in your sequencer, and therefore build your own custom rhythm patterns, and finally add accents by automating the mod wheel dynamics.
The Hidden Power of The Unobtrusive:
Whereas some of the patterns might start to sound too recognisable if overused, others are very neutral, for example "Up Down 8ths", which simply goes up and down from root to fifth, or 'Rhythms' played on one note. 
These are simple patterns which will blend well within a complex piece of music yet impart that elusive quality of realism, expressiveness, humanity and live playing which is still missing from many orchestral libraries. You may find these 'Up Down' and 'Rhythms' instruments to be the ones you keep going back to.
3 x Round Robin:
These instruments have a 3 x round-robin effect created by randomising the start point of the 3 bar loops, which greatly helps realism by avoiding machine-gun effects.
Requirements & Recommendations:
Kontakt's Time Machine 2 algorithm requires 'Perpetuo' to run entirely in memory. Although you can keep memory low by not loading up unused scale types, for maximum flexibility it is recommended that you use this in a 64-Bit environment with over 4 GB RAM. A full version of Kontakt (version 5.2 or above) is needed.
• 4.9 GB of sounds
• 1,327 samples (.ncw files)
• 60 Kontakt 5 Instruments with custom Graphic Interface
Please Note:
This is a large library to download. It has been compressed to segmented .RAR format for the download. After purchase you will download 10 separate rar files, each 500 MB in size, except part 10 which is 100 MB.
After downloading all 10 files and placing them all together inside one folder somewhere on your hard drive, double click ONLY the first file and the entire library will expand automatically to produce one new folder containing the entire expanded library with all samples / all formats.
Note that you must have a full version of Kontakt (version 5.2 or above) to use this sample library.

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