RV Samplepacks
Chilled Hip Hop Instrumentals
'Chilled Hip Hop Instrumentals' from RV Samplepacks is a swooning and dreamy collection of relaxing Hip Hop resonances with an Old-Skool mentality. Drifting through with an uncanny combination of live instruments and shimmering synthetics, this 100% Royalty-Free selection is a must-have for beatmakers with a feel for authentic musicality.
Our price $33.32 USD
Product Information
'Chilled Hip Hop Instrumentals' from RV Samplepacks is a swooning and dreamy collection of relaxing Hip Hop resonances with an Old-Skool mentality. Drifting through with an uncanny combination of live instruments and shimmering synthetics, this 100% Royalty-Free selection is a must-have for beatmakers with a feel for authentic musicality.
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