Platinum Audiolab
Hip Hop Orchestral Loops
'Hip Hop Orchestral Loops' is a fully-loaded Construction Kit set with nine separate kits filled with drum, synth, and instrument loops that feature the dramatic flare of Orchestral sounds merged with slick, modern Hip Hop production. Each custom Construction Kit comes in gleaming 24-Bit quality and has the sound you need to produce an expansive Orchestral Hip Hop masterpiece.
Our price $27.72 USD
Product Information
'Hip Hop Orchestral Loops' is a fully-loaded Construction Kit set with nine separate kits filled with drum, synth, and instrument loops that feature the dramatic flare of Orchestral sounds merged with slick, modern Hip Hop production. Each custom Construction Kit comes in gleaming 24-Bit quality and has the sound you need to produce an expansive Orchestral Hip Hop masterpiece.
All drum and synth stems are included with slicing and key and tempo tagging for easy matching and arrangement at a variety of keys and tempos.
Additionaly, you will also get over 100 individual drum slices arranged in instant load drum kits for use in any audio production software, with instant-load patches formatted in Reason NN-XT, Kontakt, EXS24, Halion and Soundfont.
Content Breakdown:
• 9 Unique Construction Kits
• Over 130 drum, synth and instrument music loops
• Various key signatures and tempos, with slicing
• Comes in 24-Bit quality
• Over 100 individual drum hits sliced for custom beat making
• Instant load drum patches in the most popular sampler formats
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