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Groove Jazzy Guitars Sample Pack

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Luigi Production

Groove Jazzy Guitars

'Urban Jazzy Guitars' by Luigi Productions has been created by the incredible producer and guitarist Luigi, providing you with live Jazz Funk guitar samples that will initiate ideas and incorporate easily into your production.

Normally $17.35 USD

Our price $13.01 USD

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Product Information

'Urban Jazzy Guitars' by Luigi Productions has been created by the incredible producer and guitarist Luigi, providing you with live Jazz Funk guitar samples that will initiate ideas and incorporate easily into your production.

This library is based on 20 electric guitar samples (10 stereos with effects and 10 mono dry for more professional use in the recording studio) with tempo, key information, and chords progression. All phrases are played on the same harmony pattern and can be easily combined with each other. This makes it easy to create a complete song arrangement. Basic harmony is based on | Cm7| F7 |, Key of Bb. You can also play these phrases on | Cm9 | F9 | or | Cm11 | F13 | or other chord combinations. The genres range from Nu Jazz, Jazz, Funk, Acid Jazz, Disco, Electro Pop, Pop, Nu Soul, RnB, Hip Hop, and Pop Rock, and can be used in all of these genres. These samples are perfect to loop or for creating beats.
Product Details:
• 20 Live Guitar Riffs
• All Tempos are Included
• 24-Bit WAV
• All Files are Separated
• Compatible with all DAWs/Music Software
• 100% Royalty-Free

Suitable Genres

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