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AAA Game Character Orc Sample Pack

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Epic Stock Media

AAA Game Character Orc

'AAA Game Character Orc' by Epic Stock Media provides you with a game-ready character voicebank inspired by the blockbuster hit movie 'Warcraft'. The Orc voicebank works well for antagonist game characters, NPCs, or the Hero. This pack also includes over 400 scripted dialogue lines, battle cries, and vocalisations.

Our price $37.77 USD

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  • 616.52MB (Unzipped)
  • 27 sec @ 85Mbps
  • 443 files / Royalty-Free

Product Information

'AAA Game Character Orc' by Epic Stock Media provides you with a game-ready character voicebank inspired by the blockbuster hit movie 'Warcraft'. The Orc voicebank works well for antagonist game characters, NPCs, or the Hero. This pack also includes over 400 scripted dialogue lines, battle cries, and vocalisations.

The Orc voice texture is dry, has depth and warmth, and maintains a crisp dynamic range, so it can be used as is or edited further if needed. All of the recordings are delivered in 96kHz/24-Bit WAV file format, giving you the best quality for sound editing, pitch shifting, and FX processing while keeping a top-notch level of clarity and precision.

Use this voiceband to tell your Orc what to do – he can move to the front lines, trash talk an opponent, and terrorise the enemy. This library will give you hours of fun and creativity for your next fantasy based trailer, game, film, presentation and so much more.
Product Details:
• 425 Fantasy Character Voiceover Audio Files
• 96kHz/24-Bit WAV
• AAA Game Character VoiceOver Sound Effects Library
• 17 Battle Cries and Sayings
• 4 Breathing Paces Eg. Fast, Exhausted, Quiet
• 14 Coughing Files Eg. Covered, Explosive, Short, Dying, Deep
• 12 Blubbering Cries Eg. Short, Quiet, Sniffling, Sad
• 125 Interactive Scripted Dialogue Lines Eg. "Cast it into the fire", "I hear danger approaching"
• 40 Fight Vocals Eg. Groan, Swing, "Ahh", Hurt, Growl, Long, Muffled
• 20 Game Character Jumps Eg. Double Jump, Big, Short, Growling, Quick, Windup
• 23 Laughing Voice Sounds Eg. Deep, Evil, Big, Amused, Chuckle, Hearty
• 24 Pain Vocals Eg. Death, Dying, Hurt, Breathy, Growl, and Sayings
• 122 Stock Dialogue Lines Eg. "Help me", "Attack!", "Kill them"

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