Your New Account with Producer Loops

Welcome to Producer Loops! We hope that you will find adding products to our system, making changes, places packs on sale, etc. quick and easy. Here are a few tips for you to follow when you first sign up and some things to keep in mind. If you need any help at any time, please contact and your Account Manager will be happy to help you. All the best!

  1. Logging in to your account: Remember to always login to your account from the provider link, as if you use the customer login, your account will not be recognised. This is the link below:
    Use your username and password to login.
  2. Once inside your Provider Interface you will need to add your Account details, name, address, email, company name, Paypal email, etc. You can modify these details at any time by clicking "Modify" under "Your Profile".
  3. Next you will need to create your Manufacturer Page, do this by:
    1. Click the "Manufacturers" link at the top left hand side of the page
    2. Click the "Add New" button
    3. Enter your manufacturer name, description, and upload a suitable logo, no larger than 500 pixels wide. (This only needs to be done once).
  4. To add a new product, click "Add new product" and you screen will appear asking you to enter the product name (please make sure you use only names that are not patented or brand names or names of famous people unless you have permission), price, images, short description, detailed description and categories. Click save.
  5. You will then see further options, such as "upselling links", "FILES (MP3s, etc.)", "Downloads" - these are the only three pages that you need to be concerned with. Please see guide below for some tips for each of these:
    1. Price: We have a minimum price of £9.95, so please ensure your product is at least £9.95.
    2. Images - these must be of a high quality and professional. The small image must be 130x130 and the large image up to 600x600. They must be 2D flat square images; our system does not support 3D images.
    3. Short description - about 4 lines long, please do not use any format behind the text.
    4. Detailed Description - The first paragraph should be the same as the short description and then should go on to include more detail. Formats, recording process, etc. Your product will be edited before released as it will enter a pending status, so if there is something you are not sure of, do not worry as we will check it for you.
    5. Categories - The MAIN category must be a genre. So please choose the most relevant genre that applies. Type of product, please select if it has Construction Kits, Sylenth Sounds, etc., formats - select format(s). Related genres -please selected other genres this product is applicable to and then please make sure you select your Manufacturer name.
    6. Upselling Links - this allows you to select existing products from your range and number them how you would like them to appear, they will appear on the web site below your product. This then allows you to select the products most relevant to this product, in the same genre or format. Click both boxes so that the products appear mutually on each product.
    7. Files, (MP3s etc.) - here is where you must upload your MP3 audio demo or demos. It must be no larger than 16KB.
    8. Downloads - this is where you assign your download file (zipped product file) BUT NOT where you upload it. You must upload this file through your FTP first and then go to "downloads", add download, browse and assign.

Your FTP Account

You have been provided with FTP details for your server space at Producer Loops. You will need an FTP program to use this, which you can download for free. We recommend FileZilla, as it is easy to use. If you do not have this installed, please ensure you install the "client" version and not the "server" version.

Where it says "Host", "username" and "password" please enter your provided details. Leave "port" blank and click "quick connect". You can then upload your file to the server by double clicking it or right clicking on the mouse and selecting upload. We recommend that you use folders in your FTP with the corresponding product names, so as to keep your FTP today, if you are going to add a lot of products.

Once you have completed all these stages, send us your product and we will check it over and let you know if anything is missing or needs changing.

Placing Your Products on Sale:
  1. Click the "On Sale" option at the top left hand side of the screen
  2. Tick the products you want to put on sale
  3. Select the date you want to end the sale
  4. Enter the percentage discount you would like to offer
  5. Click submit

Your Reports

Here you can see how many sales you have made and extract the information as a spread sheet. You can also see from "Your Chart" your best-selling products.

We hope you find this guide useful. Remember that if you need extra help, you can always email us at