With over 150 maximum impact, up-to-the-moment crazy drum loops, ripping, high-pressure, and, of cou...

Price $18.73 USD

Bluezone Corporation blasts off with 'Afro Tribal Drum Loops', a rich and complex pack of African an...

Price $16.52 USD

We’ve cranked up the volume (and destroyed a few Tape Saturation units along the way!) in this mon...

Price $16.52 USD

We’ve cranked up the volume (and destroyed a few Tape Saturation units along the way!) in this mon...

Price $16.52 USD

'Kunundrum 2' is the sequel to the original 'Kunundrum'. It features beats, percussion, bass lines,...

Price $25.36 USD

'Zion Train Dub Drums' is a collection of live drums sessions by legendary dub pioneer, Neil Perch f...

Price $44.14 USD

Future Loops is proud to present a must-have collection of drum loops and samples featuring the pure...

Price $55.19 USD

Prime Loops are extremely proud to present Tribal Percussion, weighing in with 250+ hi-res organic r...

Price $16.52 USD

At last! A range of real percussion loops & samples for Cajun, Skiffle, Swamp, Zydeco, Creole, Blues...

Price $14.37 USD

Prime Loops are giving you this collection of drum loops for House, Electro & Minimal Music, for FRE...

Price $0.00 USD

Roger Turner has the vision to play instruments and objects from the everyday and throwaway, creatin...

Price $33.09 USD