'Reggae Fundamentals 2' is the continuation of Ueberschall's successful series that melts different...

Price $93.87 USD

'Thrash Metal' from Ueberschall is in your face! If other styles are too soft and you need to take n...

Price $46.36 USD

'Rare Grooves Vol 1' from Ueberschall presents the wild, wild seventies and experiments in all areas...

Price $93.87 USD

'Guitar Ballads' from Ueberschall is for you whether you're into Pop, R&B or Rock; a nice ballad nee...

Price $46.36 USD

'Synthlines' is the latest Elastik library from Ueberschall. It comes with over 1000 bass and lead p...

Price $93.87 USD

'Disco De Luxe' is the latest release from Ueberschall, bringing you Boogie fever better than ever w...

Price $82.82 USD

'Ueberschall Future FX' brings you the sounds of tomorrow with over 1,200 well-sorted, professional...

Price $27.57 USD

'Low Tuned Strings' reveals a new, unheard vibrating world of four, five and six stringed instrument...

Price $46.36 USD

'Charts Hits' brings you straight into and to the top of the charts. Is music more than just fun for...

Price $46.36 USD

'Dubstep Destruction' bangs your speakers by offering Construction Kits with brute beats, massive sy...

Price $46.36 USD

'8-Bit Stylez' by Ueberschall is for serious gamers, DJs and producers only. The C64 legend is back...

Price $82.82 USD

'Reggaeton' from Ueberschall melts distinctive beats with the easiness of several Latin and Caribbea...

Price $46.36 USD

'Rock Ballads' is the intense result of a production session lasting a few months. This library offe...

Price $141.38 USD

'Nouvelle Discotheque' from Ueberschall is the lightweight and easy alternative to all the hard soun...

Price $46.36 USD

'Ueberschall Guitar' unites the collected power of the guitar universe. It contains a broad, stylist...

Price $93.87 USD

'Twang' from Ueberschall features the unique guitar sound that has shaped Surf Rock, Rockabilly and...

Price $46.36 USD

'Horn Section' from Ueberschall makes it possible for the first time to change a single voice within...

Price $93.87 USD

'Electric Bass' by Ueberschall features bass grooves which provide a realistic, clean, distinctly hu...

Price $93.87 USD

'Saxophone' by Ueberschall goes from The Cotton Club to Ipanema. With these loops you'll be ready to...

Price $93.87 USD

'Score FX' features Elastik technology, rigorous sample organisation and tonal precision. It's a don...

Price $141.38 USD

'Score FX 2' by Ueberschall brings all new content to the successful 'Score FX' family, plus added i...

Price $141.38 USD

'Electrolines' delivers 78 themes and over 1000 analog synth sequences. Every single theme consists...

Price $93.87 USD

'Blues Colors' from Ueberschall brings hand-made music and pure Blues feeling into your DAW. The lib...

Price $93.87 USD

'Country Loops' is a must for Country music producers and sound designers worldwide. It is perfect f...

Price $93.87 USD

'Cinematic Timeshift' from Ueberschall addresses all categories of dubbing and scoring such as movie...

Price $46.36 USD

'Dub Reggae' from Ueberschall is the ideal fusion of Roots Reggae, Dub vibes and modern sounds. Laid...

Price $93.87 USD

'Chill House' provides the ultimate sound for the warm-up time and chill-out floor. Featuring authen...

Price $46.36 USD

'Retro Action Score' stands for authentic Action Movie/Retro sounds as heard in numerous classics of...

Price $93.87 USD

'Ambient' from Ueberschall is a fantastic new library with a broad range of emotional and suggestive...

Price $141.38 USD

'Tech House' is the latest release by sample power-house, Ueberschall. This library is created in co...

Price $46.36 USD

'Punk Rock' is the first part of the new "Rehearsal Tape Series" from Ueberschall. This new series c...

Price $46.36 USD

'Drum & Bass Vol 1' from Ueberschall delivers the latest Drum & Bass club sound straight into your s...

Price $46.36 USD